Major Consequences of Falls in the Elderly & How to Help

Major Consequences of Falls in the Elderly & How to Help

What are some of the consequences of falls in the elderly? Where do most falls in older people occur? Does the danger rise with age?

In addition to pain and suffering, falls may also result in social and psychological consequences. Read on to learn how falls may significantly affect an elderly person's life.

When a senior experiences a fall, the repercussions may be severe: bone fractures or head injuries that need hospitals and operations. A recovery procedure that may be arduous and excruciating.

Falls may result in a range of problems, including fractures, long-term hospitalisation, and loss of confidence and self-esteem. Falls and their accompanying injuries, such as hip fractures and head trauma, are major health concerns that cannot be neglected due to the many and serious repercussions of falling.

Here are some of the consequences of falls in the elderly.

Physical Consequences of Falls in the Elderly

Fractures are the most frequent major injury caused by falls in older individuals. In this age group, fractures of the hip, wrist, humerus, and pelvis are caused by falls, osteoporosis, and other conditions that make people more likely to get hurt.

According to research, falling, especially repeated falls, increases the risk of injury, hospitalisation, and mortality, especially in older individuals who are fragile and have underlying illness comorbidities (such as osteoporosis) and deficiencies in activities of daily living (e.g., incontinence).

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 20% of falls result in a severe injury. Among the serious injuries caused by falls are:

● Fractured arm
● Fractured leg
● Fractured wrist
● Fractured ankle
● Fractured hip
● Concussion
● Trauma to the brain

Severe injuries are a significant consequence of falls in the elderly, not just because of the agony they inflict, but also because of the life-altering effects they have. For example, if you had brain damage after a fall, it could affect your sleep, work, relationships, and almost everything else in your life.

You may also need major and prolonged rehabilitation therapy to heal as completely as possible. As the National Institute on Aging (NIA) says, an older person who falls could have more medical problems and be less able to do certain things.

Fear of Falling

This fear of falling may have a negative impact on a senior's independence and quality of life, since they may choose to stay at home rather than go out, and it might limit the activities they can engage in.

A senior's fear of falling may lead them to stumble and fall. If an elderly person has just had a major fall, it is reasonable for them to be scared of falling again. On the other hand, the dread of falling could cause your senior loved one to trip and fall. This fear is an inherent risk issue.

They have less freedom and are frightened to leave the house by themselves because of these issues. As a consequence, older individuals are less inclined to go outside.

Reduced Mobility

It can be very hard to get back to where you were before a fall. At least 50% of older people who were able to get around before breaking their hips don't get back there. After a fall, older people may become afraid of falling again, which can make them less mobile because they don't have the confidence to move around.

Due to this dread, some individuals may even avoid specific tasks (e.g., shopping, cleaning). Decreased activity can make joints stiffer and weaker, which makes them harder to move.

As a result, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that if a senior falls, their chances of falling again double.

Anxiety Related to Falls in the Elderly

According to the CDC, falling may result in both injuries and the anxiety associated with falling. This occurs when a person's fear of falling restricts their movement. This may prevent the individual from engaging in former pastimes, such as jogging, swimming, or playing sports. People may also not pay attention to their basic hygiene and health, or they may become isolated from other people.

However, anxiety may also have more substantial effects on individuals; they may have panic attacks or need medicine. Individuals with fall-related mobility may need cognitive-behavioural therapy.

This is an intense psychological treatment that teaches patients with post-traumatic stress disorder how to manage their anxiety and adopt healthy cognitive patterns. As with any sort of medical treatment, therapy and medication may be costly for uninsured individuals.

Financial Uncertainty

Financial security may be a secondary concern after safety, but it may be one of the most severe repercussions of a fall. The cost of medical and psychological treatment may be high for people who have serious injuries, fall-related anxiety, or both.

They may also be absent from work throughout your recovery. This implies that they have mounting expenses and a restricted income, which may only add to their stress. If they had a lifelong impairment, they may not be able to return to their chosen field, which might result in a future with reduced (or no) income.

How Can You Help?

Help them acknowledge and embrace their fear of falling

Don't be surprised or dismissive if a loved one expresses fear following a fall; if you want to assist them in moving forward, you must grasp their perspective on their fear. People who fall face a lot of real problems, such as the difficulties of getting help and spending time in the hospital. They also have to deal with physical pain and a hard recovery.

Seek expert assistance

In recent years, physical therapy has evolved dramatically, with new techniques for a more speedy and effective recovery designed specifically for the elderly. Your loved one may recover at a fair rate and regain strength, flexibility, and endurance with the aid of appropriate physical therapy. These factors are essential for individuals to feel more self-assured and autonomous.

Consider purchasing a fall detection watch

A fall detection watch is a wrist-worn electronic device that looks and works like a normal digital watch. It is a "fall detection watch" since it is equipped with technology that detects falls and notifies a companion or emergency services. Additionally, these devices often have a button that allows you to manually request assistance.


The mental health effects of falling can be very bad, and they go hand in hand with the physical injuries that can happen. It's important for seniors and their loved ones to be aware of the risk factors for falling. During this sensitive period, keep in mind that your loved one's emotional healing is just as vital as his or her physical recovery

The CPR Guardian Personal Alarm Watch with Fall Detection is an easy-to-use standalone mobile phone watch with an integrated SIM card. It’s a personal alarm that contacts family. They can view the location and well-being of the wearer remotely by using the Guardian mobile APP for Android and iOS. Carers can call the fall detection watch just like a mobile phone. Please contact us if you need assistance.

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